Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bizarre love Triangle 奇異的三角戀

在找2008.DEC.的台灣區GOLF特價廣告出自那部電影時,偶然發現前幾個月的廣告引起網路上的熱烈討論,原來是一首老歌。這首我從來不知道是甚麼名字的歌,對旋律卻再熟悉也不過,在高中時代每日亂聽的CD片裡剛好有這首歌,歌名是Bizarre love Triangle奇異的三角戀愛。
雖然許多人在詮釋這首歌時,傾向於解釋為一個女人夾在兩個男人間的悲傷心情,但我以為不如說是一個人女培在一個墮落的男人旁邊,提他向上天祈求愛的歌謠。有點福音歌曲的感覺,正是向那不可知的上天去要愛,才會讓這段三角關係如此奇異:一個沒有第三者的三角戀愛。原唱是英國的NEW ORDER新秩序樂團。
(最近真是太泛福音歌曲了,但不可否認的是,大部分會持續紅很久的西洋歌,大多有點福音味道,現在就很少有人會繼續唱GARBEGE的STUPID GIRL。因為那種歌詞太可怕了:don't believe in Love, don't believe in Heat, Don't believe in anything you can waste.Stupid Girl, Stupid Girl, all you had you wasted.不要相信愛,不要相信恨,不要相信任何你可以浪費的事情,笨女孩,笨女孩,你所擁有的都被浪費光了。)

Every time I think of you 每當我想起了你
I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue 就被憂鬱的利箭整個射穿
It's no problem of mine 這不是我的問題
But it's a problem I find 但我覺得是問題
Living the life that I can't leave behind 活在我不願留下生活裡

There's no sense in telling me 沒有感覺可以指引我
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free 傻瓜的智慧無法讓人解脫
But that's the way that it gose 然而事實就是那樣了
And it's what nobody knows 而無人知曉的是
And every day my confusion grows 我的混亂與日俱增

Every time I see you falling 每當我看見你低落
I get down on my knees and pray 我便跪下祈禱
I'm waiting for the final moment 我在等待最後時刻
You say the words that I can't say 你會說出我無法說的話

I feel fine and I feel good 我感覺舒服而且美好
I feel like I never should 我覺得未曾如此過
Whenever I get this way 每當我這樣
I just don't know what to say 我就不知該說什麼
Why can't we be ourselves 為何我們不能做回自己
like we were yesterday 就像昨日一樣

I'm not sure what this could mean 我不確定這代表什麼
I don't think you're what you seem 我也不認為你像表現出來那樣
I do admit to myself 我得承認
That if I hurt someone else 如果因此傷害某人
Then I'll never see 那麼我將永遠不知道
just what we're meant to be 我們之間到底算什麼

Every time I see you falling 每當我看見你低落
I get down on my knees and pray 我便跪下祈禱
I'm waiting for the final moment 我在等待最後時刻
You say the words that I can't say 你會說出我無法說的話

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