Friday, December 12, 2008

Ave Maria 萬福瑪麗亞


Ave Maria 萬福瑪麗亞

Beyonce Knowles 畢昂思

She was lost in so many different ways 她迷失於炫目之中
Out in the darkness with no guide 離群於黑暗中沒有引導
I know the cost of a losing hand 我知道值得失去隻手
Never thought the grace of god go high 卻從未思考過恩典至高

I found heaven on earth 我發現天堂就在地球上
You were my last, my first 你是我的最終也是最初
And then here this voice inside 然後這內在的聲音
Ave maria 萬福瑪麗亞

I've been alone 即便被眾多朋友圍繞
When i'm surrounded by friends 還是感覺孤單
How could the silence be so loud 為何寂靜震耳欲聾
But i still go home knowing that i've got you 因知有你我依然歸家
There's us when the lights go down 光亮自頂籠罩我們

You are my heaven on earth 你是在地上的天國
You are my hunger, my thirst 你是我的飢渴、我的慾望
I always hear this voice inside 我總是聽見內在的聲音
Singing ave maria 高唱著萬福瑪麗亞

Sometimes love can come and pass you by 當你忙於計畫時
While your busy making plans 愛來了又走
Suddenly hit you and then you realize 讓你頓悟
It's out of your hands, baby you got to understand 這不是你能控制的,你得要了解,寶貝

You are my heaven on earth 你是我在地上的天國
You are my last, my first 你是我的最終也是最初
And then i hear this voice inside 我聽見內在聲音在說
Ave maria 萬福瑪麗亞
Ave maria 萬福瑪麗亞
Ave maria 萬福瑪麗亞

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